Fat removal surgery, known as “liposuction”, is a method of removing fat from designated areas and reshaping your body.

The areas where liposuction can be applied are abdomen, thighs, buttocks, butt, inner knee, chest, cheek, chin, calf and wrist. It can be applied in combination with shaping operations such as tummy tuck or face lift to further improve the results of liposuction.

Liposuction is a body shaping, slimming and fat removal application. Lipectomy is recommended to those who want to get rid of their regional fats permanently.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that removes excess fat and recreates the desired body proportions. Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture or lipectomy, is performed to remove localized fat deposits from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, or lower leg.

With this procedure, excess fat is removed from the person’s body with vacuuming. You can say goodbye to the fats that you cannot get rid of with exercise and diets.

Lipectomy, which is fat vacuuming, is not a weight losing technique. You can use Lipo for fats in your buttocks, hips, upper legs, arms and abdomen that you cannot manage to melt down. 

Liposuction is not fit for those whose body-mass index is over 30 and those who have obesity. Liposuction is not a means for losing weight, but an aesthetic procedure that can emphasize the contours of the body.

Liposuction can be used to treat certain conditions.

Lipo is mainly used to improve one’s appearance and not to provide any physical health benefit. Most people would probably achieve the same or better results by adopting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy sleep schedule

Liposuction is usually only recommended if lifestyle changes have not affected the desired results. Liposuction can help remove fat traps or areas that are resistant to exercise and diet. As a person gains weight, each fat cell increases in size and volume. 

Liposuction can also be used in gynecomastia operations in men. Fat removal with liposuction is recommended to people with oversize breasts as well. This way, the oversize breasts in men are reduced and a fit look is created.

LiposuctionEffects of Liposuction

Liposuction is also among the operations that make great changes in the appearance of the patient.

Therefore, after the liposuction operation, positive effects occur on the psychology of the patient. For these positive effects, the patient needs to know very well what they want to achieve and should have real expectations about the postoperative period.

People with weight problems should first get rid of their excess weight by applying a diet controlled by a healthy diet and regular sports program.

It may be a very correct choice to apply for liposuction surgery for excess fat that cannot be removed afterwards.

Fat cells in the human body grow when a person gains weight. Excessively dispersed fat deposits can change body shape and make body contours thicker. By performing liposuction, you can get rid of those dispersed fat cells in the body and your body will become more aesthetic after this procedure. 

Immediately after liposuction, our doctor can combine skin tightening. While removing the fat deposits in the determined areas, the skin in the treated area may remain loose, and our doctor may have to manipulate the skin with several techniques in order to prevent skin quality deformation.

These techniques can be invasive or non-invasive. If you have cellulite or stretch marks and lipo cannot cure this problem, you will experience the same problem after the surgery. This process is only about replacing the fat deposit and shaping the body.

How is Liposuction Applied?

Before the liposuction operation, the patient and physician discuss how much fat is to be removed from which region. Depending on the fat to be removed, the operation may be realized under local or general anesthesia.

Liposuction is usually performed under general anesthesia, but there are special cases (for example, liposuction of the chin) that can be performed under local anesthesia.

Tiny incisions are made in the application area. Then, a solution containing salt and water is transferred to fat cells through this incision.

This solution will help fats to dissolve faster and will make the operation easier.  Dissolved fats are taken out through thin cannulas. Incisions are closed with aesthetic sutures and the operation is completed.

Who is Suitable for Liposuction?

Liposuction is suitable for both women and men. If the fat in some parts of your body does not melt even though you eat healthy and do regular sports, you can prefer liposuction.

If your skin elasticity is good, you can get really good results. For example, if the person has poor elasticity, such as a woman who has had multiple pregnancies, and the skin on the abdomen is very tight, the skin will not shrink and continue to sag.

You can do a pinch test to check the elasticity of your skin. If the skin relaxes fast enough, it is likely to have enough elasticity to provide a good result. 

There are some criteria for the application of liposuction.

These criteria are as follows:

  • People with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or less
  • Healthy non-smokers
  • People who maintain their ideal weight steadily
  • People with good quality skin that is supple and good for recovery
  • People who do not have a medical condition and are generally in good health

LiposuctionWhat are the Types of Liposuction?

With liposuction, fat that does not melt locally despite regular sports and healthy nutrition is removed. The body acquires a beautiful contour.

The Main Types of Liposuctions Applied are as Follows:

Classical (Wet) Liposuction: In the classical liposuction method, liquid is injected into the unwanted fat accumulated area and the unwanted fat cells are inflated.

The inflated fat cells become ready for absorption and the excess fat cells under the skin are absorbed by making back and forth moves with the cannulas connected to the vacuum device. Slimming is achieved in the body.

Vaser (Ultrasonic) Liposuction: Vaser liposuction aims to disrupt the fat cells by giving vibrating sound (ultrasonic) waves to the fat cells with the help of thin cannulas. In this way, the deteriorated fat cells are moved back and forth with the help of thin cannulas, as in the classical liposuction method, and the excess fat cells under the skin are absorbed.

Laser Liposuction: It is a different method from Vaser liposuction. With laser liposuction, fat cells are transformed from solid to liquid state with laser instead of vibrating ultrasonic sounds. In the laser liposuction method, a specially prepared liquid, such as classical liposuction, is given to the area to be treated.

Then, the laser beam is applied to the area where the fat cells are located by means of the fiber optic probe and the fat cells are melted. Afterwards, subcutaneous fat is absorbed with the help of thin cannulas.

How Does Liposuction Work?

Liposuction is performed either under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation (for a small area) or under general anesthesia, depending on the area and scope of the operation.

Epidural anesthesia can be used for liposuction of the lower body. In this case, anesthetic is injected into the epidural space around the dura mater, or a fluid-filled sac, around the spine.

This partially turns off the sensitivity of the abdomen and legs. Local anesthesia can be used when liposuction is performed on very small areas.

The procedure takes one to four hours and most patients experience impressive results immediately after surgery. This is why so many doctors and patients choose to perform liposuction instead of non-surgical procedure, which usually requires at least two sessions to see any results.

Liposuction is usually combined with other aesthetic surgeries, such as a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or a breast lift (mastopexy), often as part of the Mommy Makeover complex.

In most types of liposuction, the removed fat can also be cleaned and transferred (lipofilling) to the face, buttocks, breasts, or other areas to create more volume.

For a very small area, the procedure can take as little as 30 minutes, while 360 liposuction, which includes the abdomen, sides and back, takes three to four hours.

Where is Liposuction Applied?

Liposuction of breeches zone: In the first place according to statistics is the appealability of the “breeches” zone (outer thighs). The peculiarity of this zone is that it is here that an overdeveloped area of excess adipose tissue is sometimes observed, up to the formation of a skin fold under it.

This is the hardest option. Here it is very important to decide whether it is possible to promise the complete removal of “breeches” only with the help of liposuction.

It is necessary to assess the possibility, to do it in one step, or to warn in advance about the need for a two-step approach, so as not to get excess skin, which may not shrink in the future. In rare cases, it may be necessary, simultaneously with liposuction, to perform excision of excess skin. In simpler cases, do not remove too much adipose tissue.

It is in the “breeches” zone that fat is based on a fairly flat surface, which is formed by the muscles of the thigh. And if the fat layer, especially in the lower third of the thigh, is completely removed, it threatens to fix the skin to the muscle, which entails a number of troubles.

Liposuction of the “flank” zone: The second most popular is the so-called “flank” zone. These are the same fatty “buns” that very often hang around the waist. This is probably the safest area, the fastest way to assess the effect.

Liposuction of the inner thighs: In third place are the zones of the inner thighs. There are two of them on each side. The upper one is closer to the groin fold.

The lower one is closer to the knees. Most often they have to be cleaned together. But, often, only one of two things. As for the upper zone, here for liposuction it is just as important to assess the condition of the skin as in the “breeches” zone. Great care should be taken with liposuction in patients over fifty years of age.

Since the elasticity of the skin is lost with age. If the skin does not shrink, excess skin may form and need to be excised. At the same time, in some cases, the doctor cannot accurately guarantee these excesses are formed or the skin will shrink. Therefore, you may be offered to perform liposuction as the first stage, and if necessary, the second – skin excision. And it is right.

Liposuction of inner thighs: As for the lower zones of the inner surfaces of the thighs, it is important to recognize whether these “humpbacks” between the knees, hated by patients, are not a consequence of the structural features of bones and muscles.

These factors are always present to one degree or another, so it is important to show before the operation what can be done with liposuction, so that there is no illusion about the narrowing of the bones.

Liposuction of the abdomen (anterior abdominal wall): Very often, both men and women apply for liposuction of the abdomen (anterior abdominal wall). And the percentage of those who undergo this operation is not very high.

The reason is that the roundness of the abdomen does not always appear only due to excess fat, but rather due to the stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

And in this case, if you do liposuction, the effect will be minimal. But where there is no spherical abdomen in a relaxed state of the press, and there is only an excess of fat, liposuction is the only effective method.

Liposuction of hump: It would be incomplete to discuss liposuction without focusing on the fat hump. For some reason, it is more often called “climacteric”. In some publications, it is recognized as unpromising for liposuction. Our opinion is that if you have been excluded as the main reason for its appearance – the curvature of the cervicothoracic spine, liposuction can relieve the “hump”.

Suprasacral Liposuction: Also, a fatty lump is often found in the suprasacral region, just above the intergluteal fold. There is always very dense and hard-to-remove fat. But nothing except liposuction will help get rid of it.

Liposuction in the face and sub-chin area: Liposuction in the face and in the submental area is rarely performed by us as a separate operation. Most often, in these areas, liposuction is performed in place with a face skin tightening and is considered as one of its stages.

LiposuctionIs Double Chin Liposuction Surgery Suitable For Me?

Fat under the chin area does not occur with aging, but with unbalanced weight gain and weight loss.

The muscles in our neck relax over time and as we get aging, jowl fat forms. Jowl liposuction is also performed in this area. Jowl liposuction is suitable for people with ideal weight, it is not a slimming method.

In women, double chin liposuction is not applied during pregnancy and lactation. It is applied to healthy individuals. 

Double chin liposuction is not suitable for individuals with chronic diseases. If you are using blood thinners before the procedure, you should stop using it by consulting your doctor.

Liposuction can be applied to all individuals who do not have a health problem, who do not have a special condition such as pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Liposuction has become widespread in Turkey and is a simple operation that is frequently performed.

Liposuction and Taboo Areas.

Are there any taboo zones? Today, there are many opinions on this matter. If you look at the literature, then those who are currently the undisputed authorities in the field of liposuction always point to the existence of such zones. In our opinion, it is not worth abolishing taboo zones. These include:

  • the front of the thighs;
  • anterior and posterior surface of the lower leg;
  • both surfaces of the forearms.

It will take a long time to explain the reasons. Are there exceptions to the rule? There are, but rarely.

How is Liposuction Recovery?

Your recovery time after liposuction depends on the size of the treated area. If fat is removed from a single area, you can return to your normal daily life within 2 to 3 days.

If fat has been removed from more than one area, you can return to your daily life after a period of 7 days. Liposuction surgery takes approximately 3 or 5 hours, but it may be more depending on the amount of treated areas. 

You will stay in the hospital one day after the surgery. You will wear a special compression garment under the control of your doctor before you are discharged from the hospital in order to have a better recovery process.

The garment will help you get rid of edema quickly and shape your body. The recommended time for garment use is 30 days, it may be longer depending on the doctor’s decision and surgery. You can see the result after a month after liposuction surgery.

It is mandatory to wear a pre-purchased elastic bandage or special underwear within the conditions determined by your doctor. Unauthorized removal or alteration of bandages and underwear is not permitted.

Seals may occur in the operation area, which gradually decreases and disappears within 1-2 months. As a result of the formation of channels in the adipose tissue, blood and tissue fluid accumulates, which can be punctured in 1-4 weeks according to the doctor’s decision, or gradually dissolve on its own, and bruising occurs, which disappears within 2-4 weeks.

In some cases, with extensive treatment of the thighs and lower legs, it is possible that the swelling of the tissues of the foot and ankle area continues for several weeks after liposuction surgery.

In order for your liposuction surgery result to be permanent for a long time, you should pay attention to a healthy diet and regular exercise. You can do all sports activities 30 days after liposuction surgery.

If you gain weight in your body, you will gain weight from your whole body in a similar way. Your old lubrication will not occur again. 

Liposuction is not a weight loss method; it is a very successful method for men and women to get rid of excess fat in certain areas. Liposuction reduces fat in problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, and your self-confidence about your body appears and you feel happier.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost Turkey?

Liposuction price varies according to the technique to be applied. However, in order for our patients not to feel bad and to be ethical; the same liposuction price is charged for all our patients who will do the same amount of work.

Therefore, considering the normal inflation conditions, patients coming after you will not pay less than you for the same amount of work. For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website.

You should make an appointment and be examined, and as a result, the techniques to be applied to you should be determined. You can contact us directly at 0212 241 46 24 to learn about liposuction prices Istanbul in general and to get information about liposuction surgery in Istanbul.