Mommy MakeoverWhat is Mommy Makeover Surgery?

There are ways to show back your body through a series of procedures that are cited as a “Mommy Makeover”. For many women, having children and starting a family are the most exciting experiences they’ll ever have.

Unfortunately, this could also leave a woman’s body feeling and appear quite different compared to the one she had before becoming a mother.

Even with a healthy diet and exercise routine, women might desire it’s near impossible to regain the body they once had, which might be stressful and downright frustrating.

That said, sagging breasts and lax abdominal skin are corrected all without delay through this customized surgery named mommy makeover.

We concentrate on the cosmetic breast and body contouring procedures that are typically a part of a mommy makeover.

During pregnancy, there is excessive weight gain in the body and at the same time, there are deformities in the body. Women are afraid of not being able to lose the weight they have gained in the post-pregnancy period, which affects women psychologically.

However, it is very easy to have a more beautiful appearance after giving birth than before pregnancy. With the Mommy Makeover operation, the woman’s body is in its old form and even more fit.

During the breastfeeding period, as there will be sagging in the body and emptying of the breasts, excess skin may occur and a bad appearance may occur.

Likewise, with weight gain and loss, sagging can occur in the arms and legs. With the right doctor selection, you can get good results and feel happy by doing Mommy Makeover operation.

What Operations Does Mommy Makeover Include?

The most deformed and deteriorated areas in women after pregnancy are breasts and abdomen. The most permanent and healthiest treatment is made by the doctor, taking into account the complaints and wishes of the woman.

Breasts enlarge during breastfeeding. When breastfeeding is over, it shrinks and loses volume. There is sagging in the breasts. With Mommy makeover, the most beautiful and natural looking breasts are made.

In the abdominal region, the abdominal muscles and tissues relax after birth. If the woman gives birth by C-section, tummy tuck surgery is performed through the C-section, and the C-section scar is also aesthetically corrected, minimizing the scar appearance, and satisfaction is provided. The woman feels happy and her self-confidence increases.

The Mommy Makeover operation includes a combination of various surgeries. Breast Augmentation,

  • Breast Lift,
  • Breast Reduction,
  • Tummy Tuck,
  • Liposuction.

Each Mommy Makeover can vary depending on the patient’s preferences and needs. A mommy makeover operation may include any combination of aesthetic surgeries as;

  • Arm Lift,
  • Thigh Lift,
  • Liposuction,
  • Body Reshaping
  • Liposuction,
  • Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgeries (Labiaplasty)
  • Vaginoplasty.

Mommy MakeoverWho is Suitable for Mommy Makeover?

You may not be a good candidate for Mommy Makeover if you have got serious health problems like diabetes, high pressure, a bleeding disorder, a heart condition, or depression.

If you smoke or drink an excessive amount of alcohol, you will not be an honest candidate for Mommy Makeover in the first place as many other plastic surgeries.

If you’re considering having a mommy makeover done, it’s important to be back to your previous weight and shape and lose most of the pregnancy weight first. Otherwise, the results of a number of the procedures may not last lifelong.

As an example, if you still lose an excessive amount of weight after having Tummy Tuck as a part of your makeover done, you would possibly experience loose skin again and need a follow-up procedure to deal with it.

The mommy makeover operations solve issues like sagging skin and it may be ready to provide a tighter, smoother appearance to areas like your abdomen and thighs, but it is not a weight loss procedure, so ensure you are at a stable healthy weight and your child-bearing days are over before having surgery.

If you intend to own children or would love to still expand your family, now is not the good time to have a mommy makeover since having children will reverse the results of it. If you would like the results of this cosmetic procedure to last lifelong, you must not plan on having children from now on.

During the birth mother may have a C –section and it may leave a not aesthetic scar and while the Tummy Tuck operation C-section scar can be revised. Most of the time, pregnancy leaves permanent remains in a woman’s body.

Giving birth may be a traumatic event for a woman’s body and requires a minimum of six months’ worth of recovery time before a mommy makeover is often considered.

This also applies to women who prefer to breastfeed. Breastfeeding alters the form of a woman’s breasts, so it’s important to wait until they settle into a permanent shape before having this procedure performed.

Mommy MakeoverWhich Operations are the Part of Mommy Makeover?

Tummy Tuck

Mommy Makeover contains several surgeries, such as correction of the abdominal area which we call Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty operation.

A typical pregnancy ends with an oversized fluctuation in weight over a brief period of your time (9 months).

The degree of enlargement of the uterus could also be significant enough to cause irreversible stretching of the genital area, a normal deformed tissue structure that runs through the center of your abdominal area.

This issue after the pregnancy is cited as diastasis recti and that’s why the stretching of the muscles can increase the girth of your abdomen. The increased girth can not be corrected with diet and exercise.

An abdominoplasty must be performed to deal with this issue. During the Abdominoplasty, the doctor should cut and open your abdomen and fix the muscles as a part of Tummy Tuck surgery.

Additionally, pregnancy often causes tears within the deeper layers of the skin, manifesting as stretch marks. With time, the ruby or violet color of the stretch marks lightens and typically diminishes noticeably.

Regardless, it’s undesirable for several women and also the only way to actually remove them is by excision. After the Tummy Tuck operation patients will get rid of a significant amount of visible stretch marks on their abdomen.

Tummy Tuck operation removes excess skin and tightens the abdominal area, after surgery weight gain can cause additional irreversible damage to your remaining abdominal skin and additionally, it can reverse the abdominoplasty results.

Thus, it’s recommended that you just are at a stable weight and haven’t experienced significant weight fluctuations for a minimum of 6 months before undergoing an abdominoplasty. There are two types of Tummy Tuck depending on the scar size: mini–Tummy Tuck and full Tummy Tuck.

Breast ImplantsBreast Augmentation

Due to fluctuating hormone levels and changes in your weight during pregnancy and infant feeding the baby, your breast skin may stretch leading to breasts that appear slightly more dilated than before pregnancy.

Within the breast augmentation operation, patients could get more full breasts and the asymmetry in the breast can be fixed. The procedure is usually performed with the insertion of silicone implants or fat transfer.

In order to get a more natural look and not to use foreign products in their bodies our patients prefer to enlarge their breasts with fat transfer, they require to do this procedure with their own fat.

So our doctors can do Liposuction as a part of the Mommy Makeover operation and can use the collected fat for injecting the breasts for making them symmetric and to gain their previous appearance.

Also, our doctors can use patient collected fat during the Breast Augmentation with the implants. They can use the fat to inject the different parts of the breast near the implants to make the breasts look more natural and aesthetic.

Breast Lift

Breast LiftA breast lift, or mastopexy, could be a surgical operation that lifts the excessive breast skin and repositions the areola and nipple to a more naturally anatomical place.

It doesn’t involve any removal of breast tissue and should be performed in conjunction with a breast augmentation. Our doctors can lift patients’ breasts and at the same session, they can replace the breast implants to enlarge the size of the breast.

We get more required from our patients to get Breast Lift operation within the combination of Fat Transfer. But our doctors do not recommend it most of the time. The best option to do a breast lift and enlarge the breast at the same session is to do a Breast Lift with Implants.

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction is plastic surgery to reduce the breast size by removing excess skin, glandular tissue and adipose tissue.

Thanks to this surgical intervention, you can minimize the load on the spine associated with a large bust, and literally, make your life easier. This type of intervention is classified as serious.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually lasts no more than 3 hours.

The first stage is to determine the locations of the cuts. This is important so that the stitches are not visible after healing.

Cuts can be performed in several locations: Along the edge of the areola to the chest. This method is suitable for minimal intervention. Along the edge of the areola to the chest, where another incision is made. The technique is used when removing a significant amount of tissue.

The specialist then performs a cosmetic suture. A drainage tube is located in the breast, a tight bandage is applied to it, which is responsible for supporting and protecting the mammary glands from mechanical stress. Reduction mammoplasty is often combined with a lift.


Body Sculpting
Liposuction could also be a minimally invasive operation that permanently removes unwanted fat in stubborn areas. The fat is removed through suction technology and could be superb due to achieving a tailored silhouette that’s impossible to urge through diet and exercise alone. Liposuction isn’t a weight-loss procedure.

As a component of Mommy Makeover, our doctors can treat the abdomen, belly, back, inner and outer thigh, arms and legs with Liposuction.

It’s also possible to use the fat collected with Liposuction for augmentation of the breast and other parts of the body at the same session counting on patients’ requirements. Our doctor can use the output of Liposuction as a material for doing BBL for shaping the patient’s buttocks.

Which Operations Can be Combined with Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover is an operation that corrects the abdomen and breast area generally after pregnancy. However, it may be possible to correct other problems in the body in the same operation or afterwards. The operations combined with Mommy makeover are as follows:

Arm Lift

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
If you have lost the weight of your pregnancy after giving birth but have sagging skin complaints, if you want your clothes to look better on you, Arm Lift will be a good option for you.

Arm Lift is performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. After the operation, 1 night hospitalization is required. A drawing will be made by your doctor before the operation.

In accordance with the drawing, the excess skin is removed and the incision is closed in a way that extends from the inside of the arm to the elbow side.

Drains are used in the surgery, your drains are removed the day after the surgery, this is a painless procedure. In addition, liposuction is applied when necessary. At the end of the surgery, a corset to be worn by your doctor should be used for about 2 months.

Swelling starts to decrease 2 or 3 days after the surgery. The real result is evident between 3 and 6 months. You should not drive for 1 and a half weeks after the operation. Heavy sports should not be done for 3 months. Treatment will be given by your doctor to reduce the scars for 3 months.

Thigh Lift

If you have lost the weight you gained during pregnancy after giving birth, but you want your clothes to look better on your leg skin, if you have sagging skin, leg lift surgery will be a very suitable option for you. Thigh Lift is performed under general anesthesia. After the Thigh Lift, there is a 1-night hospitalization in the hospital.

Before the operation, a drawing will be made by your doctor, accordingly, after the excess skin is removed, the incision line is closed as a horizontal line extending from the inside of the leg.

Drains are used and your drains will be removed painlessly the day after the surgery. If deemed appropriate by your doctor, liposuction can also be performed.

Swelling will begin to subside 2-3 days after the operation. It takes 3-6 months to see the full result. You should not drive for 10 days after the operation. Heavy sports should not be done for 3 months. In about 3 months, your scars will be reduced with the treatment your doctor will apply.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Operations

As vaginal rejuvenation operations, our doctors can do several different surgeries to boost the shape, size, and appearance of the vaginal area.

These operations assist to bring back the soft tissue structures which was the reason for your discomfort and embarrassment. Additionally, normal births may cause widening of the vaginal canal which can be narrowed with vaginal rejuvenation surgery.

Vaginal rejuvenation operations can include clitoral hood reduction, labiaplasty, labia majoraplasty, mentoplasty, and vaginoplasty itself.

Vaginoplasty is performed in several ways, depending on the severity of the damage. For minor deformations, a decrease in tissue elasticity or dryness of the mucous membrane, vaginal contouring is used.

At the same time, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are injected into certain areas. When the vagina is stretched or the bladder prolapses, suturing the anterior vaginal wall helps.

The back wall is sutured in case of prolapse of the uterus or severe urinary incontinence. After Vaginoplasty surgery, abstinence from sexual activity for 2-3 weeks is recommended. And complete healing of stitches after operations occurs within up to 2 months.

As a part of Vaginal Rejuvenation Operations, Labiaplasty is performed for both medical and aesthetic reasons. After all, the labia become enlarged not only as a result of a jump in the level of the hormone testosterone but also due to injuries, childbirth, age-related changes. Simultaneously with labiaplasty, you can correct the clitoris pocket – remove excess folds in this area.

Plastic surgery of the labia does not affect the ability to have children and the course of future pregnancy, and also preserves the woman’s sexual temperament. Laser labiaplasty does not deprive women of sensitivity in the intimate area, does not leave stitches, and is not too painful.

Recovery After Mommy Makeover

After the surgery the patient will stay in the hospital for a night one or two under the doctor and nurse control. Our doctors will control the patient’s stitches and wounds if everything is good the patient can be discharged.

For the following days after hospital;

  • You may need a caregiver to help you with your daily life activities, for preparing your meal and taking showers.
  • You will not be able to drive or take care of your family member and your kids for a few days after discharge.
  • You need to walk in a hips-flexed position after surgery to keep stable tension of the tummy tuck and other incisions. Posture will be back during a week by itself naturally.
  • You may have back pain because of sleeping on your back for a long time. You can control your pain by muscle relaxing tablets and painkillers. If you had Tummy Tuck for the first 3-5 days you will have a pain peak and you may have drains for a few days after surgery and it will be removed the first week.
  • You must wear a special bra and compression garments to decrease the swelling after the surgery. You can replace a special bra with a regular bra without an underwire or a sportive bra after the breast incision healing, you can protect the healing process and shape your breasts. It also helps to form the breast implants and to be located in breast pockets. Most of the patients prefer to use sportive bras because it is more comfortable and looks good with other clothes.
  • Patients need to sleep on their sides for the first week not to pressure the treated areas. It also helps patients to get up easier.
  • The patient should walk approximately 3-4 hours inside of the house to speed up the recovery process.
  • Patients will feel discomfort for 2 weeks after the surgery, but after they will feel normal and can continue their daily life.
  • They should also not lift their arms and keep them close to their bodies for 3 weeks after the surgery. If they did not have Tummy Tuck surgery, they can start doing sport after passing 4 weeks. However, if they had Tummy Tuck they should not do heavy lifting, sports exercises, or muscle stretching for 6 weeks. They can take a walk.
  • Scars after the surgery will look red and visible. It may take years for them to fade. Patients can have some scar treatments as a fractional laser etc. to fade and decrease the scars in their bodies. We can offer you some scar treatments in our clinic as well.
  • Patients cannot get tanning to the treated areas until their scars are healed. Most of the patients can swim after 3-6 months.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mommy Makeover

At what Age Should a Mommy Makeover be Done?

Mommy Makeover is especially preferred by women who have given birth more than once. People who have given birth between the ages of 25 and 40 have a body in the desired form with Mommy Makeover.

If you have not been able to have the body form you want after giving birth with a regular sports program and healthy diet, Mommy Makeover is a suitable option for you.

Is it Possible to Breastfeed Again After Mommy Makeover?

Breast lift surgery does not shorten the duration of breastfeeding and does not affect breastfeeding. In some cases, there may be limitations in breastfeeding with the techniques applied in the surgery in patients with big breasts (Especially Breast Reduction).

After the examination before the operation, your doctor will inform you in detail about all these possible situations.

Are all Operations done Together in Mommy Makeover?

In Mommy makeover, all operations can be done at the same time. As a result of your examination, your doctor will inform you in detail about this.

Surgery will be planned according to the woman’s complaints and wishes. Some surgeries may have different recovery and control times.

Your doctor will make this plan for you and you can complete this period by not staying behind from your social life. The recovery period also varies from person to person and according to the operation to be performed.

Scars After Breast Lift and Breast Reduction Surgeries in Mommy Makeover

There are scars in breast surgeries as well as in almost all types of surgeries. The important thing is to keep these scars to a minimum. These scars on the breast are covered with a bra or bikini.

Over time, the scar reduction gel your doctor will recommend to you and good care will lighten the color of the scars and fade in time, becomes the same as your skin color.

How Much does a Mommy Makeover Operation Cost in TURKEY?

Every woman is beautiful. Mommy Makeover is a very common operation, it is very important to feel ready before deciding on surgery.

Many issues are considered when determining mommy makeover prices in Turkey. Patients want to know the Mommy Makeover prices immediately, but there are many factors to consider and they vary.

Considering the wishes of the patients during the examination, the procedures to be applied according to the examination result will be determined.

Mommy makeover Prices Istanbul also vary, as various processes will be applied. The price of the surgery will be determined according to the deformation that has occurred in the woman after the birth.

The cost of the operation; The materials to be used, the technique to be applied in the surgery, the experience of your doctor and the areas to be operated on in your body are important factors.

For Ministry of Health-accredited centers, it is not legal to specify prices on their website. Therefore, please dial 0212 241 46 24 to contact Quartz Poliklinik and get information on Mommy Makeover Prices In İSTANBUL, TURKEY.